This project is a proposed waterfront development located on an approximately 113 acre property located on Lake Pontchartrain and Chef Menteur Pass in Orleans Parish in Louisiana. The site is surrounded by navigable waterways on three sides with a varied shoreline including natural undeveloped sections, old slips, and bulkheads.
The first phase of the project is to provide power, drinking water, and sanitary sewer service to the site, install an entrance gate, and make repairs to the road to make it passable and dry. Phase II includes shoreline protection and restoration, structures for rental properties, and improvements to boat slips and water-side access to the site for recreation.
This area of coastal marsh plays an important role in absorbing storm surge from Lake Pontchartrain and is a crucial habitat for wildlife. Any design development in this part of Louisiana requires special attention to the ecosystems and shoreline and their role in flood control for the coastal communities. Because of this, we will be applying for a Coastal Use Permit through the Department of Natural Resources and permitting with the US Army Corps of Engineers governing navigable waterways.
Due to the budget constraints of the property owner, we are performing a continuous value engineering technical review concurrently with the design process. This has resulted in several cost reductions in Phase I allowing the client to expand the scope of Phase II.